Hey guys!
September here. A bit off the topic
of Quiz Bowl, but I'm looking for great ideas and to
get them, most times anyway, you need great minds;
that's where you all come in. Most, if not all of you,
know my husband Dave Leach. He was diagnosed with
cancer (lymphoma) in his right arm just about 3 weeks
ago. He started chemo this Wednesday and is doing
fairly well. He has a decent prognosis for survival and
may be able to keep his arm after treatment.
reason for this post is to ask for some fund-raising
ideas. He's been unemployed since August when the
computer industry came to a grinding halt and thusly had
no insurance. Now. I've seen a lot of you
crazy,wacky folks and I know that there has GOT to be
something outrageously funny and weird that we can do to
raise some money. Remember: Dave is a desperate man in
some desperate times....this could be
hi-friggin'-larious. Please take some time to think about it. We miss
all of you and hope we can see you sometime the QB