How long ago are you talking about?
One-day tournaments had already taken over the majority
by around 1996 or so...."
I don't have any
hard information on this, it's just my impression that
it "used to be" that most tournaments were
Friday-Saturday, but now most aren't. I've been going to
tournaments since 1985, mind you, and like most old farts the
years start to run together in my memory. :) I'm liable
to find myself thinking of something as "a little
while ago" and have it turn out to be 1995, or
It's also possible that there are regional differences
in the prevalence of two day versus one day. Perhaps
that's also a function of distance -- we travel farther
as a matter of course to go to tournaments, so once
we've invested in all those hours on the road we want a
lot of games, to make it more worth the trip. Or used
to want that, I don't know.
By the way, I
didn't mean, in adding my throwaway comment bemoaning
the decline in numbers of the two-day tournament on
to my response to Jeremy, to imply that I thought
*that* tournament should have been scheduled as a two
day one. With the field size they're looking at, one
day is perfectly appropriate.