Kreme Cheese Kup III: 2 Jive Turkeys (Thanks to the Swarthmore College Bowl Team and the Jive Server for their assistance in the following announcement. Step off, Pharoah.) Kelly Affannato and Jason Arvey, in unholy-like alliance wit' da Penn Academic Demolition Team an' da Swarthmo' College Bowl taim be droppin' Kreme Cheese Kup Tripa-I, dig dis: 2 Jive Turkeyz - some jive tournament -- on March 2, 2002. Rounds be gonna be havin' 22 tossups an' boni. Each taim will submit some abbreviated packet, guidelines 4 which be below. Step off, Pharoah. Da field be limited t' 22 taims. Email Kelly Affannato an' Jason Arvey (down low, kremecheesekup_at_...) t'reserve slots. Also, If yo not be down wit da jive vershun o dis announcement, den yo best be e-mailin us at kremecheesekup_at_... fo a plain-talk-like vershun. Fees, dig dis: Da base fee be $50/taim, an' includes donuts an' pizza. Da minimum fee be $15/taim. Specific penalties an' discounts be, dig dis: -$20 fo packets submitted by 7 Feb -$10 fo packets submitted by 14 Feb Da deadline be 21 Feb +$10 fo packets submitted after 21 Feb +$20 if yo' butt duzn't submit some packet an' we let yo' butt play -$15 fo goin t QOTC an KCK -$10 fo game officials -$5 fo buzza's +$8 fo some addishunal pizza $20 fo not showin' without 24 hours notice o' some raisonable emergency. Pay by cash o' make chex out t' da damn P-A-D-jive-T. Rules, dig dis: Taims may have any numba' o' playa's, but only foe may play at once. What it is, Mama! Coalishun taims be eligible 4 da championship, but no playa' may play on mo' dan one eligible taim durin' da day. If yo' butt choose t' do so's, yo' ass may, but yo' butt will be ineligble 4 da championship. Dig. Packet Distribushun to be posted 2nite in a separate post, dig?
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