(Again, if you ain't be down wit' da jive, e-mail Kelly Affannato and Jason Arvey at kremecheesekup_at_... for a plain talk vershun.) Packet Distribushun, dig dis: Taims be required t' submit demi-packets consistin' o' 13/13 quesshuns, which be t' follow da followin' guidelines. Sports (down low, 2/2): Dis includes professional, college, an' amateur sports. Required within dis distribushun be at laist one quesshun from one o da followin' categories, dig dis: a) chix sports; b) rules o' sports; c) history o' sports; d) real damn trashy sports (down low, professional wrestlin', bowlin', alley luge). Visual Media (down low, 2/2): Dis includes film, tv, commercials, "art", spectacles, an' advertisements such as billbo'ds an' magazine pages. At most three quesshuns total should refa' t' film an' tv combined. Audio Media (down low, 2/2): Dis be most-like muzik, but also includes quotes, soundbites, raidyo advertisements, famous raidyo puh'sonalities, DJs, an' otha' noises. Puters an' Technology (down low, 1/1): Dis be pretty self-'esplanatory. Right on! At laist one quesshun gots'ta be about technology dat aint puter hardware o' software. Fun on yo Lone-some (down low, 2/2): Dis category involves shit dat yo' ass do t'enjoy yourself in da absence o' otha's, includin' books, comic books an' comic strips, an' probably pornography. At laist 1/1 gots'ta be about print media an' some maximum o' one porn quesshun be allowed. Woah, Nellie! Fun wit' Otha's (down low, 1/1): Dis category involves shit dat yo' ass do 4 fun in groups, such as bo'd games, role playin' games, drinkin' games, an' jive dancin. Word to yo' mama. 'esploitin yo' imaginashun be encouraged. Eatz, Drinkz, an' Chemicals (down low, 1/1): Dis category be about anythin' yo' ass consume. At laist one quesshun gots'ta be about sump'n otha' dan drugz. Current Events (down low, 1/1): Anythin' dat went down in da past 2 years kin be considered current events. Da quesshuns should come from different subfields (down low, plaise duzn't sent 2 sports current events quesshuns, 4 'esample). Miscellaneous/Yo' Choice (down low, 1/1): Anythin' dat doesn't fit anywhere else kin go in dis category, o', yo' ass kin scribble otha' quesshuns dat would normal-like fit in otha' categories. As wit' Current Events, plaise duzn't send 2 Miscellaneous quesshuns dat fill da same subcategory. All boni gots'ta be wort' some total o' 30 points an' consist o' no mo' den 4 parts unless yo' ass have some damn badass raison. Da bomb! We reserve da damn right t' reject packets dat igno' our guidelines, have been touched inappropriate-like, o' be o' especial-like low quality, even 4 trash. Fuck dat shit. So's yo' ass waaay down wit dat? Homie don't play dat. Awww, yaih. Den yo' ass best be e-mailin' us at kremecheesekup_at_... right now, honky!
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