The post that wouldn't die... Let me be more specific, then, in addressing your claims, repeating what I said in the letter you quoted -- and before anyone asks, I told him the letter was open. First, a clarification: "Troll" is net talk for someone who thinks it's cute to start a fight without claiming responsibility. Second: Your original post detailed that we snicker at the inclusion of "'black'-themed tossups", especially in trash tournaments. My reason, as I stated, was that it's because a lot of the pop culture aimed at a black market deserves mockery. Ever seen BET? Ever looked at videos by hip-hop artists, or listened to their message? Seen or read anything including Shaft? This is what is being portrayed as the black way of life. The racists are in Hollywood, not here. Third: Yes, I "assume that comments were aimed at [me]", because they WERE. The only comments that had been made before your first post were 1. The original tournament announcement; 2. My comment; 3. Kelly's "You'd be surprised" reply; 4. and Josh's "too much time on your hands" statement. It could be that you were merely mad at the original. If that were the case, though, you should have simply said "That post was uncalled-for and should have been kept to yourself". But, you went on to say it was prevalent within the community. What am I supposed to think? I will admit this much, though: maybe I did overreact. It's simply that, after about 4 years of being called just about every variation of intolerant there is out there, I reacted. I apologize for it if that wasn't your intention. Fourth: Your comments "weren't much" in volume, not weight. Fifth: Show your friend my original reply in addition to the jive-talkin' post and all the others. Since he was so mortally offended by the idea that there are racists, maybe he'd appreciate a thoughtful discssion. Otherwise, you're doing a negative service by portraying "us" as being only about stuff like that, at which point you become as much of the problem as the racists themselves. As I stated in the letter, at least one person's reputation has been destroyed by a racist comment within this community. Furthermore, three years ago, there was a discussion about the need for more awareness of what could constitute sexual harassment. This community does not sit by and allow stupidity. However, it also knows how to separate the person from the post. Jason Arvey is not a racist. Kelly Affanato is not a racist. Josh Allen is not a racist. I have met all three of them; they are good people. I admire your stance on free speech. With it needs to come a stance on lightening up. A statement is only a personal offense if you see it as such. You act surprised that I saw your comments as an attack, and yet your black friend saw the same thing in the original post. Why weren't you chewing him out? We never met him either. And fat people are not ridiculous, weak-willed, or marginal. Nor are southern men either condescending aristocrats, inbred mountain boys, or hood-wearers. But jokes about them are okay: either all jokes exaggerating a personality trait should be allowed, or none of them should. And I think we're better off laughing than shutting up.
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