Umm, Andrew? Thank you for e-mailing me personally. The way that you announced it on the general board was perhaps high-handed and arrogant, but I suppose it is for the best that such an exchange not be conducted in public. I really don't see how you can have claim to have read my posts and come up with the, forgive me, but drivel that you did. First of all, and finally, my post was general, as I was not even aware of your existence (forgive me!), but your response was pretty durned personal. Now, a Quote: A-"I was worried when I posted about the "ebonics class" that maybe it would turn into something stupid. Now, it has." That's pretty much calling my thoughts worthless, which you underline by saying that my comments "weren't much" in your personal correspondence. Also, you seem to think that you can unload accusations (say of excessive PC-ism) and by making them somewat vague, evade the charge that you meant it. I'm kind of a Troll? do you mean a gnome? or, skipping around, let's take this GEM: It is humorous not because it makes fun of the way black people talk (which would be racism), but because it exaggerates to the point where any connection to reality becomes shady at best (which is the whole point of humor). Now, you are really on thin ice here, sir. You cannot seriously believe that there was no element of "making fun of the way black people talk" in those lame posts, which would be, by YOUR definition, racism. (not mine; but that's a different issue). Even your discussion of humor is perhaps superficial, as you don't have to be the Sigmund Freud of "jokes and their relation to the unconsiousness" to realize that jokes can punish, can have aggressive content and intent. Do you really mean that jokes about fat people, for instance, don't sometimes mean what they say, that fat people are ridiculous, weak-willed, and marginal? For what it's worth, the only black person that I showed the set of posts to had a reaction that I cannot print here. i don't think he will be attending any NAQT events in the near future, however. I could go on, but I think i will close by repeating that I think that you assume that comments were aimed at you that really had nothing to do with you, whomever you are. You seem to spend a lot of time personally explaining that you are not a racist, which seems irrelevant to the points that I made about the post and the general culture of racial trash-talk, that exists at some QB events. I defended free speech and expression, but maintained that people who talk should be responsible,
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