Umm, that was just about the silliest post that there ever was, I think! First of all, my description of the offensive post as "Amos and Andy" was totally arbitrary, so you really waste a good deal of time analyzing that and incidentally discussing your (qualified?) respect for it. I find it interesting that you make yourself the 'arbiter' of who (me) cannot make judgements about such issues....does your appreciation of A & A disqualify you from judging me? Or are you immune to the conclusions that your tortured logic creates? While I see the point of your rubbing out the distinction between being quietly offensive and openly so, sir the difference is quite simply reality: i cynically think that people will always harbor irrational prejudices, and even rational ones, but not publically mocking individuals and/or groups will keep people from coming to blows or nights of posts fired across cyberspace. And what is funny is that you confuse my "appreciation" of evil jokes with a belief in their content or some sort of endorsement of them. That does not necessarily follow, no matter how convenient it is to your argument to make it so. Again, note your ability to judiciously praise Amos & Andy. Am I so different from you? I am also unemployed... I also watch this thread remaining silent; these were my first posts although I have enjoyed some of the back-and-forth for a year. I don't know what sort of odd moral high ground you were staking out with that remark, but whoa there goes that one! Your ultimate conclusion, that because I own up to not being perfect in my private sphere, that a public expression of racist contempt is the same thing is, well, post-modern in its shallowness. But it does allow you, yet another poster, to attack an individual who takes the stand that an offensive post is inappropriate rather than the people who created the slimy post. Bravo! Oh, You dishonestly say that you "hate to hurt my feelings" when of course that is your entire mission. I think the most honest thing in your post is that
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