He Who Shall Not Be Named said: >> Again, note your ability to judiciously praise Amos & Andy. No, this I *did not* do, and I don't think anyone else really believes that I did either, though it was a nice try. Are you a politician? Actually, if you had considered what I said before trying to twist it around into a cheap shot (while dissmissing your own mention as "totally arbitrary"), you would realize that it supports your initial argument. (The truth is, the Nazis were also incredibly effective at creating racist propaganda, and I suspect most people who survived the Holocaust would agree. Saying otherwise is assuming the ostrich position, head planted firmly in sand. Or somewhere else.) I'm of the firm belief that sweeping everything under the proverbial table is the surest way to make the same mistakes again; if you don't look at "Amos & Andy" and similar cultural phenomena as dangerously well-conceived, you start dismissing it when it comes back in a different form. So I stand by previous remarks that it was brilliantly executed racist propaganda. But, as things go on and on and on, I'm consistently less convinced that the original post is still the issue. I was dead-set on not replying, because with every new post, I'm more convinced that this is less about what is or is not appropriate in a public forum, and more about how you personally can pick a large fight with people who are, by and large, geeks. (I suspect few of us would really argue otherwise.) Surely you must have assumed that posting in the manner that you did *would* be seen as a "threat from outside," and subsequent posts have done little to rectify that situation. I am of the belief that you're deriving some kind of sadistic pleasure from tossing inflammatory rhetoric around, while continually dismissing your own thoughts, words, and actions as acceptable. My only suggestion, as my final words in this argument which has already gone on far too long, is for you to tell one of your racist/homophobic/sexist jokes to a "real liberal." In fact, I would support bias in this instance, and seek out a few African-Americans, Asians, Europeans, Native Americans, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, men, women, and transgendered individuals for this experiment. Then, after the punchline, simply say "Wasn't that well-crafted?" Carey Dammit, now in the next post, he'll be telling people I said he should run for public office...
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