I agree with your last post, man. I certainly
don't regard the creators of the advert as evil or any
worse morally than I, just incredibly dumb (in this
instance) for quiz bowl people. Certainly not genuine
bigotry, although a black person interested in that
tourney may have a moment of vertigo and confusion. I do
not buy the rather lame argument that "sweedish chef"
or smoething else could easily have been subbed in,
and that the ebonical stuff was a mere roll of the
yeah right!
However, some of these utterly
sophistrical arguments are what get me. Rather than just do
what you did and agree that the post was in poor
taste, they simply lined up and attacked whomever was
wicked enough to see that. The last post I responed to
was a masterpiece of such deceitful blaming the
apparently worse, since he had nothing to say when the silly
screed was originally posted.
oh well, thank you
for the
relative voice of reason