Many thanks and ackowledgements from yesterday's Mid-Atlantic SCT at Swarthmore College. Thanks to all players, moderators, and scorekeepers, for showing great forbearance in the face of a series of minor mishaps and bad karma, a disturbing number of which weren't actually our fault. Thanks to Princeton C, who remained gracious after a last-minute clerical error nearly cost them the Div II title. Thanks to Dave Bykowski and Samer Ismail for coming to help moderate and for being sources of NAQT-related wisdom. Thanks to Appetito's for helping spare the players from the culinary desert known as the borough of Swarthmore. Thanks to Matt Bruce's Stats99, the day's infallible holy tome. Negative thanks to the computer that was *running* Stats99, for crashing during Round 8, and wiping out 7 rounds of carefully entered Div I team and individual stats. Thanks to all those with the patience to deal with me in the stat room as I threatened them with violent death in the aftermath of the crash. Special thanks to Rebecca Paul, who kept me sane enough to keep from following through on those threats. And finally thanks to Adrian Packel, who managed to get the stats page live within five hours of the last round. Congratulations again to UVA and Princetons A and C. I hope everyone had more fun than I did ^_^ and look forward to seeing people back on March 30 for QOTC XI: Magical Girls and Giant Robots. Peace and fair buzzers, Michael Noda Swarthmore College Bowl
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