Just going from memory here. Genial quiz master
Charlie Steinhice is out of town, so full stats/results
from the tournament likely won't be available until
later in the week.
There were 10 teams in
Division I and 9 in Division II. Each division played a
full round robin followed by a handful of rounds of
modified swiss pairings. The results heading into the
Division 1:
1. Florida (11-1)
2. Kentucky A
3. Emory A (9-3)
4. Georgia (8-4)
beat Georgia in the semifinals; Kentucky beat Emory.
Florida then routed Kentucky in the finals for the
tournament victory.
There was some confusion in
Division 2 because of some problems with bye rounds in the
swiss pairs portion of the tournament.
I don't
have the full details about the playoffs here, but
Tennessee beat Emory B for the division 2 title. Emory B
beat Georgia Tech in the semifinals for one berth.
There was a dispute over who had the second seed (and
the one-game advantage heading into the playoffs)
between Tennessee and Rhodes A. More details to come
later there from someone who knows a little more about
the situation. (I was reading the Division 1 finals
when much of the dispute took place).