Hi everyone --
At the NAQT SCTs this past
weekend, my team heard only 7 toss-ups related to visual
arts in 11 rounds. Granted, I guess at least four more
were buried deep in the sets... but I gather that NAQT
puts only 1 visual arts toss-up in per 28, for in the
two rounds where Samer read all 28, we heard exactly
So I have two questions:
(1) Does everyone
believe that 1 toss-up in 28 on visual arts (or perhaps
what one would consider a similarly-rationed topic,
such as music or mythology) is sufficient? I think
it's a bit low, but perhaps I'm biased.
(2) If
1 out of 28 is going to be the standard for these
topics, should there not at least be a way to guarantee
that the categories will appear in the first 20
toss-ups? At the SCTs, not all moderators have Ismailic or
Dinanic speed/efficiency, so a planned distribution of
1/1 per pack could possibly turn into