Responding to a couple things at once
1. We at DePauw do not have grad students, but I
can't see baning them from the game in any way. We,
too, have taken our share of beatings from Kentucky
and UIUC and Chicago, but we chose to come here and
(if we were thinking about quiz bowl at all) should
have examined that in the first place (albeit there
was not a team before I got here, so this would be
research done by our recent recruiting classes).
I've been a big advocate for having seperate divisions
in things like ACF, but if there are not the team
with which to do this effectively, obviously you
cannot divide people out. I love the fact that NAQT
rewards the top undergrad team each year -- I think it's
a step in the right direction.
2. As for
alums, DePauw has contributed (uh oh) Dan Quayle and
Vernon Jordan. Margaret Mead went here for a time but
was ostracized after not going Greek. Hey, whose idea
was this whole alums things, anyway?! Oh yeah, the
Stan Jastrzebski
(never afraid to post his name
after his running off at the mouth)