"Was it just me, or did one bonus question at
College Bowl stand out as being ridiculously easier than
the rest? I'm referring to the Miami Dolphins / Don
Shula bonus"
Well, it all really depends on your
area of expertise. For sure, football fans (and I
would argue North American sports fans in general)
would've snapped that one up easily, but not everyone is
into sports. I for one found "The Two Towers/Return of
the King for 20" bonus to be mind-numbingly easy, but
for people who think Bilbo is a naughty word, it
might not be so simple.
<tangent> Speaking
of unnecessarily long lead-ins, for that TTT/RotK
bonus, I don't know why they didn't just say 'blah blah
blah, name the two books that followed The Fellowship
of the Ring in The Lord of the Rings for 10 points
per.' The 2 15-second spiels added nothing to the
question, IMO. </tangent>
Quiz Bowl