Dargan writes:
"However, there is also a
philosophical issue in that, according the response the
moderator gave me, CBI still believes that interrupting the
question _should be_ risky, i.e., the chance of a hose is
a part of the game."
I think the moderator
in question was excellent (I give him my vote for
best moderator at the tournament), and that he was
just "going by the book". Thus, I don't fault the
moderator; I fault the "book" instead. Surely there should
have been something in the answer line that read like
"Accept alternate forms of _lee_ before "three-letter
word" is mentioned." The moderator's call was kind of
like the "tuck rule" call in Oakland vs. New England.
Simple oversight of alternate answers is to
As a whole, though, I enjoyed the tournament as that
question is the only example of a bad question that I
recall off top. Hearing that other regions accepted
"leeward" is also reassuring.
Josh, the homicidal
psycho jungle cat