I do have three things to say about ACF
regionals, two of which I'll call queries, one a complaint.
The queries: If there's room in ACF for 1/1 trash a
round, why isn't there room for current events? The most
recent academia I recall from the ACF set was the
overthrow of Mobutu in 1997. Secondly, were 30-20-10s
actively edited out or did people just not submit them? I
don't remember any, and my teammates remember maybe
The complaint: there were (especially in the Subash
pack) a few meta-QB references. The one which most
sticks in my mind is the bonus part on Heinrich Bll
which had a clue about Georgia Tech's former tournament
(and which, I admit, I knew only from that clue). If
ACF wants to remain a vibrant tournament, and
especially if it wants to draw a decent-sized field to
Nationals this year, it shouldn't give non-academic brownie
points like this to teams simply by virtue of those
teams' having been around forever. Meta-QB is a very
potent clique-enhancing ingredient; I personally don't
think it even has space in trash tournaments outside
explicitly masters'-focused events, and cut it out of
Beltway. The packets where such things came up would have
lost nothing if those clues'd been excised.