On March 2, the 2nd Annual University of Kentucky Wildcat Invitational was held, with 8 teams from across the United States competing for the title. In order to both provide the field with a large number of rounds and match teams of similar strength as often as possible, a format was chosen featuring an initial full round robin, followed by a top 4 and bottom 4 round robin, with two rounds of ladder play to conclude the day. Congratulations to Michigan A for their dominant performance going undefeated to win the tournament, and to Illinois and Florida Atlantic + Roger Bhan for their strong 2nd and 3rd place finishes, respectively. Full results are below. In addition to team awards, individual results were also recognized. Books were awarded to the top five individual scorers, calculated after the initial round robin. Kentucky's very own Seth Kendall was the leading scorer, but I didn't feel like giving him anything, so first choice of prize went to Matt Lafer of Michigan B, who took a Dictionary of Art and Artists. 3rd was Roger Bhan, who took (I think) "After the Funeral" concerning the posthumous adventures of famous corpses. Raj Dhuwalia of Florida Atlantic was 4th, and took "Revenge Dramas of Webster and Tourneur". Michigan A's Zeke Berdichevsky then took the "New American Desk Encyclopedia", leaving 6th place scorer Adam Kemezis with the "Atlas of World History". Also, in a gesture I hope to see repeated at future tournaments, we awarded books of dubious worth gleaned from the free bin of Edward McKay's Books in Knoxville to the top five neg artists. I don't remember who took what, but Cheryl Barkhauskas, Eric Douglass, Raj Dhuwalia, Roger Bhan, and Hairboy Sorice were stuck with the novelization of Hudson Hawk, "UFOs: A Scientific Investigation", a Harlequin romance, "Tom Clancy's Ops Center: State of Siege", and "Pat Nixon: The Untold Story". Before getting to the full stats, I'd like to take a moment to thank my teammates for helping to make this tournament possible, and to thank the teams who traveled here to play. Final Standings: 1) Michigan A 2) Illinois 3) Florida Atlantic/Roger Bhan 4) Indiana 5) Kentucky 6) Michigan B 7) Washington-St. Louis 8) South Carolina Team Stats after the Initial Round Robin: Team Record Points/Game Michigan A 7-0 442.86 Florida Atl 6-1 338.57 Illinois 5-2 218.57 Michigan B 3-4 157.86 Indiana 2-5 194.29 Kentucky 2-5 186.43 South Carolina 2-5 162.86 Wash-St. Louis 1-6 146.43 After the next, smaller round robin, the standings remained the same, so these were the seedings for the ladder play. In those two rounds, the results were: Round 11: Illinois 240-Florida Atlantic 235 Indiana 320-Michigan B 100 Kentucky 160-South Carolina 150 Round 12: Michigan A 355-Illinois 220 Florida Atlantic 345-Indiana 155 Kentucky 240-Michigan B 110 Washington 210-South Carolina 140 Individual Stats After Round 7: Player Team T-I PPG Seth KY 57-6 77.143 Matt MI B 51-5 69.286 Roger Fla Atl 45-8 58.571 Raj Fla Atl 42-7 55.000 Zeke MI A 40-5 53.571 Adam MI A 34-3 46.429 Chris Ill 33-3 45.000 Wesley Ind 32-4 42.857 Eric S.C. 27-8 32.857 David S.C. 20-4 25.714 Jason Wash 19-4 24.286 Paul MI A 15-4 18.571 Cheryl Wash 16-6 18.571 Ben MI A 12-1 16.429 Jerry Ind 12-4 14.286 Hairboy Ill 17-14 14.286 Lori Wash 8-1 10.714 Andrew Ill 9-5 9.286 J.R. S.C. 6-0 8.571 Micah Ind 7-2 8.571 Megan Ind 4-3 3.571 Sean Wash 2-0 2.857 Adam Fla Atl 1-0 1.429 Kelly McKenzie, Accomplished Blackguard
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