Congratulations to Kelly McKenzie and the rest of the Kentucky team
for putting together a really great tournament. The questions from
Wildcat II were awesome. I encourage everyone in the universe to get
their hands on the packets. As Raj Dhuwalia already noted, it's a
tournament highly accessible to the neophyte, yet challenging to the
experienced player.
Thanks also to Raj Dhuwalia and Adam Brosius from FAU for letting me
play on their team.
I would also like to give mad props to Matt Lafer, The Future of
Quizbowl. Here's a kid who played solo as Michigan B while, as I
understand it, whole 4-person teams chose not to play because of the
heavy competition. Lafer's attitude is the kind that will make him a
superior player. He truly lives the famous maxim of Mo-Tzu: "Only by
embracing our ignorance can we beat it into a bloody pulp, bitch."
So if you see Matt Lafer, make sure you give him a pat on the back
and wish him luck in his efforts to subdue the weak.
R. Bhan