the_mouth_of_sauron77 wrote: >> >> > > The Dark Lord speaks: > > This is what happens when those who should not write music contests > write them. Was having a record contract or a top 40 hit grounds > for exclusion? I'll steer away from your first comment and address your next two points. First of all, of the 80 artists I picked for Exit Music II, excluding bands from the Northwest-flavoured theme (songs 30-40) or bands that are no longer together, the only acts without major label contracts (I'm including Matador as a major) are NOFX, Ani DiFranco, Death Cab for Cutie, Quasi, and Grandaddy. That's 5 acts out of 69 that are truly indie, and since they're pretty well-known in college radio and indie circles, I felt justify in putting them in. I mean, it's not like I'm having people pick out Brenda Weiler and All-Time Quarterback here! And remember: this is a *Canadian* competition. Bands like The Tea Party, I Mother Earth, and The Tragically Hip are huge up here, but most people in the US have probably never heard of them. What's obscure to you guys might just be another overplayed song for us. As for the 'lack' of Top 40 acts, I want to know what you would include in that category. By my count, nearly half of the songs were played on Top 40 outfits, and most of those were hits! If anything, more Top 40 acts were included at the expense of rock radio, which was admittedly underrepresented here. With a splash of indie and pinch of girls with guitars, I put together Exit Music II with it being challenging in mind. You should've seen the buzzer races in the final round when a well-known song like Loser by Beck came up! No, this wasn't a 'name the #1 hit' sort of contest, but I never said it was. With that said, anybody that listens to rock, top 40, or college radio would've done fine in Exit Music II. If you only listen to country though, you probably wouldn't have done so well ;-) Hanson SFU Quiz Bowl
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