The 2nd annual DC Summer Tetrathlon is currently scheduled for 26-28
July 2002. Associated events (mirrors &c.) will take place at UC-
Berkeley and UChicago either at that time or on the weekend of 3
August 2002.
Currently, the plan is for DC to host its Tetrathlon on one weekend,
and for Chicago to hold its events either the week before or the week
after (so that if people so wish they can attend some events at
each), with Berkeley running events on either weekend as it wants.
The current proposed structure in Washington, subject to possible
modificiation, is:
Friday-Saturday, 26-27 Jul: Presidential Open II (masters-level
academic) Mirror of Chicago Open; packet submission not required for
DC phase but recommended; chief editor: Subash Madipotti
Saturday-Sunday, 27-28 Jul: Capitol Punishment IV (moderate to high-
level trash) Packet submission required; some exemptions may be
available; chief editor: Edmund Schluessel
Sunday, 28 Jul: Heavy Rotation 6 (music singles event) and another
singles event of a nature to be determined. To bid for this singles
event, send proposals to ers_at_...
For more information, contact ers_at_...