Since there has been surprisingly little commentary on ACF
Nationals, let me go ahead and get the ball rolling with my thoughts.
First of all, Edmund Schlussel, Tim Young, and their crew deserve the
highest praise for their organizational efforts, which resulted in a
tournament with no apparent snafus and almost no significant delays
between rounds, a truly impressive achievement for such a large
undertaking. As for the questions, in my opinion this was the best
editing job I have ever seen. Roger did a masterful job of assembling
a set of questions which remained readily accessible to the vast
majority of the field while still effectively distinguishing the top
teams. This was even more impressive considering the need for him to
produce a large number of blind rounds and the fact that many teams
did not submit their packets until well after the announced deadline.
Finally, congratulations to Michigan for dismantling a top-notch
field for another well-desevred championship.
Kelly McKenzie