Careful with the one size fits all generalizations there, Sean. There
are are quite a few undergrads with enough experience to know how to
structure a ?. It does take some time and practice, but it is unfair
to say "all undergrads do this..."
While Edmund is an undergrad, he has *more* than 5 years of playing,
tournament running and question writing experience behind him. There
are undergrads with about 2-3 years less experience who can write a
well-formed question with guidance and practice.
-- PLS
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., cooterchekov <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> *ptui* (I spit upon you)
> Edmund, an undergrad who has more trash-running and trash-writing
> experience and skillz in his gallbladder than Sean has in his entire
> body
> --- In quizbowl_at_y..., allythin <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> > Questions written by undergrads...are going to be written more
> > pyramidally and penalizing real knowledge bc of their general
> > crappiness so of course you're going to get more of them.