Don't forget äu being pronounced like "oy" also, in addition to eu.
Example...protagonist from All Quiet = Paul Bäumer = Powl BOYmehr
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., Andrew Feist <feistatduke_at_y...> wrote:
> Good catch, both of you! (I KNEW I should have
> written everything down before I started.) And S
> before a consonant morphs into sh. Sprechen Sie
> Deutsch? -> shprech' uhn zie Doytsh. Did I mention
> "eu" = oy? I probably missed that too. (And, yes,
> "typisch" is the word I had in mind. Now that I'm at
> home, I have a dictionary to look in; right next to
> typisch is Tyrann, Typhus, and Typographie. The
> pronounciation guide says y is pronounced the same as
> ueh (as in Fuehrer).) "oo" is, I think, rather rare,
> but it's a longer version of o (like a -> aa).
> So we've changed s, v, and eu; as you can see above
> "ph" is pronounced "f".
> Hoping I didn't miss anything else,
> =====
> Andrew Feist
> The moving hand writes, and having written, smears the ink.
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