As it turns out, the 2 rounds not read at ACF Nationals both
contained non-operatic and non-composer music TUs. I won't say what
they were since some people are reading the rounds at practices these
days. However, if you're really curious I can tell you via e-mail.
Or you can buy the set for the low, low cost of $20. Act now and get
a free kiss from Stanford College Bowl member Grant Gavranovic.
Operators are standing by.
--R. Bhan
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., lieutkije <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> As a music nut, I was surprised once again by the paucity of
> questions about solo works, chamber music, and songs, with
> the only obvious exception being Transfigured Night (Verklarte
> Nacht). Surely, these genres are less well-known than
> symphonies and opera, and that is all the more reason to
> sprinkle ACF with them. I'd love to hear feedback on this point.