I am currently a senior in high school and was looking for
information about college bowl, as I may be interested in
participating at the next level, and this seemed like a good place to
come. I have gotten lots of info about it, mostly negative, but I was
curious as to see what people who obviously like it would say. How
does the college game compare to the high school game (aside from the
obvious diffculty level difference)? For me at least, I do really
enjoy actually playing, and while I consider myself to be at least
decent at the game, the social aspect is just as important as the
competition; how important is this in college? Are the people nice or
do they tend more toward the arrogant type that is prevalent in high
school? If it's any help, I will be attending Georgia next year.
Thanks in advance for any responses, hopefully ya'll will be able to
provide some much-needed insights for me.