Question submissions for Science Masters 1 are due by Sunday, July 7.
Question submission is optional: if you write none, the fee is $20
person; if your team submits 7/7 the fee is $10 per person; if your
team submits 14/14 your team plays for free. If you submit questions,
they must fit into the following distribution:
4 biology
4 chemistry
4 physics
3 math/CS
3 earth science/astronomy/astrophysics
2 technology/engineering/history/miscellaneous
The rest of the questions, and editing, will be supplied by Jason
Kirsten Chevalier, and myself. Questions should be submitted to me at
satelite_at_... (satelite at
Science Masters will definitely be held in Berkeley. It might be
mirrored elsewhere. Freelance questions are very welcome.
I think that's it for now. Let me know if you have any questions
I will try to answer when I get back into town in mid-June).