A couple summers back (in 2000), this game was briefly popular in
the old club, and I've been encouraged to revive it. The rules are
fairly simple: I will post a set of seven categories, and you must
supply one answer that fits within each. The goal is to provide
answers different from everyone else's. Your score on each of the
seven will be the total number of people (including you) with that
answer. Incorrect answers will be given the highest score any
correct answer gets (even if it's on a different question). Once
the numbers are computed, your six lowest scores -- your highest
score being tossed out -- will be multiplied to create your final
result. To take part, email me your answers to me at
panatropic_at_... by Friday, June 7.
Here are the subjects for this game:
1. A "Doctor Who" companion created for the novels, audios or
comics rather than for television.
2. A book by Lemony Snicket.
3. A pair of elements whose symbols are the same two letters
4. A Roman emperor before Commodus (the punk in "Gladiator").
5. One of Holst's "The Planets".
6. A theatrical release with Paul Giamatti in it.
7. A member of the Legion of Doom from "Challenge of the