ANNOUCING: 1st Annual (?) Lewis Grizzard Memorial Treasure Tournament ("Where one man's trash is another man's treasure"). We know this is four months down the road, but we thought we should post early to get the word out. DATE: Saturday October 26, 2002 (Times TBA) LOCATION: The University of Georgia campus (specific place TBA) WHO CAN PLAY: This is open to anyone in the US who wants to submit a packet and come to Athens to play. Format: 20 trash related questions in untimed rounds, round Robin format. The tournament will be packet submission. In order to offer balanced rounds of play, please submit 23 Toss-Ups and 23 Bonuses, strictly adhering to the following: MOVIES: 5 total 2 on movies made before 1960 3 on movies made after 1960 **NOTE: These can include actors, actresses, directors, composers, etc TV: 5 total 2 pre 1975 3 post 1975 (see ** above) MUSIC: 4 total 2 pre 1975 2 post 1975 Sports: 4 total ^^NOTE: No more than one question involving any one sport. Literature / Comics: 2 total (Can be books, magazines, etc) OPEN: 3 total (Can be anything not already covered above. Such topics can be food and drink, computers, toys, current events etc.) ***NOTE: As Science-Fiction can pervade numerous categories, do not write any more than three (3) total Sci-Fi related questions in your Toss-up and Bonus sections Do try to keep the content of the questions fairly clean. The TD and his staff reserve the right to edit out questions on basis of content. COST: $80 base fee -$10 for early submission before Sun Oct 6, 2002 at 11:59:59 PM -$10 for each WORKING buzzer (limit 2) -$10 for one (and only one) game official -$10 for travelling over 100 miles -$10 for a 2nd team from the same school MINIMUM COST: $40 HOTELS: Thankfully, October 26 is an away game for the Dawgs (they play Kentucky if anyone cares), so there should not be a problem getting rooms. However, we suggest that booking at the earliest possible time. If anyone needs hotel information, please email the TD. UNIQUE FEATURES: 1- 40 or 50 point "super bonuses" created by the TD and his staff. 2- Final Championship Round for the top two teams. (Questions written by the TD and staff with the ultimate game show halftime [see #3].) 3- Game Show Themed Halftimes: 3 or 4 rounds will have a special game show themed half where players will a mock version of a game show for points towards their score. Such game shows being considered for homage are The Price is Right, Match Game, Smush, The $25,000 Pyramid, Password, Name that Tune, and others. (We would have considered Russian Roulette but guns aren't allowed on UGA property. Plus, the blood stains would be a pain in the rear to get out.) 4- possible visual and audio questions (technology permitting) FINAL PACKET DEADLINE: Sunday, October 12, 2002 at 11:59:59 PM Please submit all packets as email attachment in MS Word format to the email listed below. OTHER INFO: Please note that the field will be capped at fifteen (15) teams. Please email the TD and tell me that you are coming and the number of team(s) that will come as early as possible. CONTACT: The TD is Robin J Richards. Email : quizdogs_at_u... (this is also the College Bowl Team's official coming soon!!) Please email me with any questions, game show ideas we havent thought of for consideration, and intention to play ASAP. Thanks and we hope to see you in Athens!! UGA COLLEGE BOWL TEAM quizdogs_at_u... "Knowing is half the battle....the other 65 1/3% is ringing in first."
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