Am I the only one that misses Jason Paik's tournaments and results
list? I can't remember whether this is the free rider problem, the
tragedy of the commons, or some other econ nonsense -- but it's sad.
Obviously no one wants to commit to the time crunch of running a
similar site just for the acclamation of the masses.
I propose that we, the circuit, bribe someone to run such a site.
Payment is simple: every time someone runs a tourney that's listed on
the site, they send a copy of the questions to the site maintainer,
for personal/team use only. (TRASH/NAQT/CBI exempted from this.) Of
course, the maintainer only gets "paid" if they have a good
No cost to the circuit, and almost certainly someone would step up to
do it for the packets. Right? Anyone want to offer to run such a
site, and prove me right?
Even better yet would be a promise from everyone to make the
questions which are sent to the site-maintainer public domain after a
year. (I mean, really, when's the last time you sold two-year-old
questions?) That would provide a better, more complete packet archive.
But that's not really necessary to get this schem