--- In quizbowl_at_y..., ufilthycur <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> As for responding to Chris's comments, I believe his comments
> asserting that your average high school quizbowler would go for
> location and crappy tournament over a well-run academic tournament
> iare certainly more his opinion than actual fact.
All I know is that *everyone* on my old team, and just about every HS
team I knew (or my advisor old me about) would prefer the location,
with the exception of a particular prep school in the area that
apparently was too good even for NAQT. I wouldn't be surprised if
there was a cadre of well-established, rich, HS teams that avoid Chip,
but a middle-class public school like mine will, I'm convinced, always
get seduced by the promise of an exciting vacation. I'm just going by
personal experience here, feel free to discount it if you wish.