If Seth Teitler were dead today he'd be rolling over in his grave. --- In quizbowl_at_y..., r2aslet <no_reply_at_y...> wrote: > Rice University Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce that it will be > hosting its first college tournament on March 22, 2003. Called the > Rice Acabowl, it will be a humanities/social sciences only NAQT style > packet submission tournament. (That is, no math or science questions > whatsoever.) We felt that Rice's position as a well-known science and > engineering university would make it the perfect venue to host such an > event. > > The relevant information is as follows: > > Name: The Rice Acabowl: Because Math and Science Suck! > Date: March 22, 2003 > Format: Untimed NAQT style, 10 question rounds > Fee Schedule: $100 base fee per team > -$10 per additional team (i.e. 2nd team base fee $90, 3rd > team base fee $80) > -$10 per working buzzer system (max of 2 per school) > -$10 per experienced moderator (max of 2 per school) > -$30 if packet turned in by Super-Early deadline (December > 21, 2002) > -$15 if packet turned in by Early deadline (January 18, > 2003) > -$0 if packet turned in by Regular deadline (February 1, > 2003) > +$5 per day packet is not submitted after the regular > deadline > Minimum Fee: $50 per team > > Question Distribution: > > History 5/5 > Religion/Myth/Philosophy 4/4 > Social Science (law, economics, anth, sociology, etc.) 4/4 > Fine Arts 4/4 > Literature 4/4 > Your Choice 4/4 > Total: 25/25 > > We are initially limiting the field to 15 teams and will reserve spots > based on whose packets we receive first. Schools may bring a maximum > of three teams. Each team must write a packet which is blind to all > other teams including those from the same school. Each team may have > a maximum of one graduate student. Currently, we plan on running a > round robin among all teams. > > For the Your Choice category, we require that the questions you choose > to write not be science related (unless the scientist you're writing > the question on had some significant humanities/social scientific > achievements). The Your Choice cannot be sports or pop culture > related and should fall under one of the topics listed above. > Questions on current literary, social science, arts, etc. events are > acceptable. You may distribute the Your Choice questions however you > like (9/9 total history questions is fine). We request that you > spread your questions across time periods and geographic areas and > that no more than 25% of your questions have people as answers. > > We are shooting for a NAQT invitational packet level of difficulty. > Approximately 80% of tossups and 50% of bonuses should be answerable > if heard completely. All bonuses should be worth 30 points. No > spelling or FAQTP tossups. Tossups should not exceed 6 lines, bonuses > 15. Creative questions will get you kisses from the packet editor. > All rights reserved. No purchase necessary. 1.5% annual APR. Void > where prohibited. > > We encourage out of state teams to attend and will give them > preference for spots over in-state teams should conflicts occur. > > Interested teams should contact me, el director del torneo, at saslett > at rice dot edu with the words "Rice College Tournament" in the > subject line of the e-mail and indicate whether they would prefer > awards in the form of trophies, cash, or gift certificates. Completed > packets should be sent in .rtf format both to me and VP Michael > Friedman-- mwfriedman at yahoo dot com. > > As we get closer to the tournament date, registrations and additional > tournament info will be posted to our brand-spanking new website: > http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~quiz (still very much a work in progress). > Unlike those for certain other tournaments <cough cough>, we promise > it will be promptly updated. > > --Stephen Aslett
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