Eric Hillemann wrote, speaking for NAQT: "Actually, NAQT will recognize Princeton and Harvard as co-champions in Division II, as our policy is that ties in SCT competition for any of our titles (overall, undergrad title, or Division II title) "shall be resolved by additional head to head competition, of one or more tiebreaker games." The quote is from the proposal we adopted in NAQT when establishing separate divisions and resolving that we would recognize a separate undergraduate title -- only it seems we never translated the policy into our published rules, and neglected this year to inform hosts that ties for these titles should be broken only with an additional game or series of games." I like this policy: both head-to-head and various points schemes are not ideal for breaking ties. However, this policy can put additional limits on the tournament director's choice as to the format. The guarantee of 12 games for all attending teams, the requirement to have all (important) ties broken by games and the requirement to crown 3 champions (collegiate, undergrad, division II) all lead to a need for lots of packets, and lots of games. For instance, at UVA's SCT on Saturday, there were 14 teams scheduled to attend (13 packets). One packet was read out of order (14). If any ties needed to be broken, or if another packet's security had been compromised, or if there had been a playoff scheduled, the TD might have been out of luck. Supplying more than 15 packets would alleviate this problem - and NAQT may already be doing that. Rob
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