Hey all,
If you are interested in
partaking in the ACF Regionals Fantasy QB Game, please let
me know.
Simple rules (made up by
1) You will eventually choose 6 players. A "salary
cap" will be in place to prevent teams from stocking
up on the highly desired players. No trading. "Draft
rules" will be determined based on interest.
Statistics that count: tossups, interrupts, and team's wins.
Any other stats I'll consider provided they are
published by all Regionals hosts.
3) The top 4 in
each of the categories will be summed. Ordinal
placements are assigned based on the results (with highest
desired numbers getting higher placements). In the case
of a tie, the other two players statistics will also
be counted.
4) Honorable mentions: most
tossups, most wins, fewest interrupts, most interrupts,
best overall.
No prizes are involved. All you
get is the "joy of winning."
If you have any
questions, email me at etchuck_at_... .