Kenny wrote:
<<Already this year,
Penn Bowl, GW, MIT, BU/Harvard and Swarthmore have
changed the weekend of their tournaments (or selected
from among the two choices they previously
And I wrote, on April 11, 2000:
<<I would
like to propose the following format for Penn Bowl 10
(currently scheduled for Super Bowl weekend,
Since becoming TD for Penn Bowl, I have been saying
that the tournament would be Super Bowl weekend.
Apparently, somewhere along the line, Hayden was told it
would be held the weekend before (I don't know who told
him this, though I know it was not me), which he
posted on his WWW site; I e-mailed him recently about
the error.
I do agree that cancelling or
rescheduling a tournament is a bad idea in general, and even
worse when it is done at the last minute. But that is
simply *not* what happened in this case.