Quick note here regarding the tournament list page that I run (<a href=http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tlist.htm target=new>http://hurstrh.tripod.com/tlist.htm</a> ) I want to emphasize that, while I do my best to keep this up-to-date and furnish correct information, I am by no means perfect. The only four sources that I use are tournament submission forms from the site, qb and qb-announce, postings here, and emails from people. I take all of these at face value, and do not have the time to confirm what is posted. This sort of leads to three items. 1. I have made errors the past, and I will make errors in the future. While I do my best to fix them ASAP, I simply don't have the time to email out errors that I recognize that have been fixed. As such, if a tournament date is changed on the site, it may be because a post was made concerning it, someone privately emailed me about a change, or someone or myself noticed a mistake and I fixed it. If this is a severe problem, I'll email you when I've fixed it and you can post something, but I simply can't do so myself. 2. Nothing on the page should be taken as gospel - I'll freely admit that I don't have the time to check things constantly. If you're not sure about something, check it - if you know that information is wrong, let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. 3. If you're running a tournament, it's in everyone's best interest to check the listing and make sure that it's correct. I realize that this is an "automatic-in" policy that sort of forces you to visit the site, but I'll justify it by saying that I don't gain anything if you visit or not. I'll close by saying that I'm always sort of surprised that people actually do visit the site, and that I do want to ensure that it's as good as it can be. If you have any comments or questions, please let me know at hurstrh_at_... . Thanks. Hayden
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