I apologize to both MIT and Penn for my statements. I believed that I was speaking based on fact, when I was basing my assumptions on incorrect information. I based my mention of MIT on the belief that Beaver Bonspiel was announced at one point as being either on the 21st or the 28th. I can't remember where I initially read this. It may have been on Hayden Hurst's tournament schedule page (which is my only archived source for info, since the tournament is not listed on the Yahoo calendar, and I do not have all of my old email archived). I did not realize that the information posted there was actually incorrrect. I apologize to Ronojoy and the MIT program. As for Penn Bowl, again I am sorry. Perhaps it was based on an error on the quiz bowl calendar (which calls to light another serious problem). I had based my remarks on (IIRC) a conversation in the Yahoo chatroom where either Samer or Edmund mentioned the potential dates for their tournament in a manner that seemed, to me, less than certain. Perhaps it was GW that was uncertain. Whatever the circumstances, again I apologize to Samer and the PADT. However, I do think that it is clear that neither Penn nor MIT was anything more than a peripheral target of my comments. (Samer confirmed Penn Bowl's date a few weeks ago in the chat room, and I have Ronojoy's tournament announcement dated 7-13-00; 3.5 months notice would be enough time to accomodate any possible changes) That does not excuse my carelessness. But understand that the main point of my post was not focused on actions (real or imagined) that either program took. Again I am very sorry. Kenny Peskin
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