After meeting with the team last night, I can now
state that we will, in fact, be trying a new approach
to the packet requirement for Penn Bowl 10. While
the exact distribution has not been finalized, I can
explain the general principle:
* Schools sending
only ONE team are required to submit a "half" packet
containing approximately 20 TUs and 20 boni.
Schools sending MORE THAN ONE team are required to submit
a "full" packet containing approximately 36 TUs and
36 boni. The "A" and "B" teams from a school would
be able to co-author this packet. However, unlike
last year, lower teams would NOT be allowed to
* Teams *would* be allowed to submit more than the
minima listed above, provided no team submits more than
one full packet.
In addition, I plan to post
the question guidelines no later than next Sunday
(9/18), *before* registration starts.
If you have
any questions about this, please feel free to e-mail
--Samer Ismail
Tournament Director, Penn Bowl 10