I pretty much agree with your analysis, but I
think USF's team is about as strong as, say, Georgia
State's was last year. (Of course, we are not known to
kick as many trash cans or doors as those
Unfortunately, some of our best players are grad students; so,
we've had to decide on one, Rob Fernandez, who may be
in his final year of CBI eligibility (but whom we
have just introduced to the wonderful world of NAQT,
ACF, et al. this year...)
Prediction: 1.
Florida, 2. FSU, 3. Berry, 4. UGA, 5. USF. Wasn't Emory
pretty good last year too?
Hope to see everyone
at Sun 'n Fun on March 17!
Quiz Bowl at
<a href=http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl target=new>http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl</a>
P.S. No "e" after the k in Starkville