Shaun: << if we had the money, why not be
like Michigan and try to qualify _4_ teams...2 through
the midwest and 2 through the Canadian sectional? It
didn't happen this time, but it certainly could have.
I open myself up for correction in this matter, but
I believe that this year there was a provision that
a school cannot gain two AUTOMATIC bids by
split-squadding into two different sectionals. [This situation
came up last year when Michigan did send teams to two
different sectionals last year and gained berths in
Whether there is a cap to how many teams NAQT would offer
at-large bids for from a particular school, I guess that's
up for discussion and Eric or Rob will answer.
Regardless, I do think that if Michigan C or D had the
statistics that make them worthy of an at-large bid, I don't
know if NAQT has provisions to limit such a team from
playing at ICT.