Mark Coen wrote: "I also wonder where the idea
came from that past format flame wars led to vastly
improved formats. ACF predated our little e-community, and
TRASH came about because we like trash. And while I
don't think the NAQT folks were sitting around thinking
"these flame wars make me want to start my own company,"
I can't speak for them."
I was thinking
about VVBs -- how many of those do you see on the
circuit these days? They were quite rampant in non-ACF
tournaments until about 1996 or 1997. I believe their demise
came as a result of the Colvin Unfair Result, Jejjala
Unfair Packet, etc. arguments.
Whether or not one
likes the VVB is another debate, but I don't, so I saw
that as an improvement caused by a format