List memorization is not only something you use
to master titles/authors, events/dates,
countries/capitals, prizewinners, and the like. ANYTHING can be
converted into a list. I once wrote up a 'son-of-a-list'
with about 40 or so famous authors and what their
fathers did for a living. You can memorize
anything....plot symopses, strange happenings, current events,
etc. etc. The only reason ACF rewards such work to a
high degree is because the questions tend to be
written so that facts rather than nebulous imrpovisations
lead to the answers. But lists can also help you in
NAQT and CBI, although to a lesser extent. Knowing as
much as possible about who died, for instance, is
always useful in CBI and NAQT. Also, converting and
digesting Newsweek, Time, The Economist, into memorizable
lists or summaries helps too. But list memorization
isn't just some ACF thing.