I didn't phrase that the best possible way. I was
referring to the practice of some that the high school game
should be a scaled-down of version. This includes
creating a knowledge map of distributions and
sub-distributions for the high school game which totally mirror the
college game without making adjustments for the basic
differences in high school and college knowledge. For
example, it is possible to argue that Americana ought to
be a larger part of high school tournaments. I have
run into the mindset of some that high school
quizbowl ought to favor those who plan on playing in
college, and that those who can excel at the high school
level, but choose not to pursue the activity further at
higher levels to the same degree. I do think it is valid
to argue that both the college and high school games
can have similar forms which spring independently
from the same concerns, but I don't think we can
assume that what is the best format in college is
necessarily the best format in high school. That may turn out
to be the case, but I think that you have to prove
each case separately.