<<I would imagine most people find them
boring. >>
The question then is whether
worksheets are inherently boring, or whether most collegiate
quizbowlers find the prospect boring because they have been
socialized to prefer the tossup/bonus paradigm.
not arguing against tossup/bous formats. I think that
it would be unjust to totally contradict a communal
aspect of the game that goes back to the old College
Bowl TV show, and there needs to be communication with
and ties to the past. I think that high school
doesn't have that same legacy, and so is freer to explore
other alternatives (and also has other legacies of its
I don't think that tossup/bonus would be
necessarily what one would come up with in a quizbowl vacuum.
It's not clearly the most fair format, although it has
points in its favor that one could argue based on
certain assumptions, and could probably find points
against it based on certain other assumptions (although I
won't be the one making those arguments).