Here at the University of Kentucky, we have a
Student Government president who is a former academic
team player, and who is quite favorable to advocating
increased funding for our team. Because we are a Student
Organization, we can only receive a small amount of money,
$500.00 annually, from the Student Government. I am sure
that this is far below what many, or perhaps even
most, of the other similar organizations represented in
this club receive. That is why we plan to request to
be fully funded in the university budget later this
For the purpose of obtaining benchmarks to present to
our university administration, I would like to know
how much funding other academic teams and quiz bowl
clubs receive. Feel free to reply back to my message
here on Yahoo!, perhaps sparking further discussion,
or if you wish to detail your situation in private,
email will be fine.
Basically I'd like as many
favorable numbers to present to the administration as
I will take the opportunity now to thank you in
advance for any and all assistance all of you can
provide. It is greatly
Robert S. Osborne
University of
Kentucky Academic Team President